Merry Christmas!

It’s the evening of Christmas, the fireplace crackling, mom is cooking, the baby is sleeping and I’m on my computer. Pretty normal evening (sans the mom is cooking part).  Christmas Eve and Christmas were spent at each side of the grandparents, my favorite moments all year, with gift giving and receiving. I’m not exactly sure where the eve part of the celebration started but since I can remember Grandma and PawPaw get the Eve. Nothing changes. Every year is the same. When it comes to family tradition I’m not a fan of change. We drive over, give lots of hugs, eat lost of tamales, when it gets dusk we walk over to Aunt Mary and Uncle Bobby’s, wait for Santa to fill our Stockings, and wait for the call that he came. After the wrapping paper is ripped off every package and piled high in the middle of the room, we say our thank yous and head to the other grandparents. Christmas morning is filled with grogginess and excitement and this year especially with Grady around.

Now we’re home, waiting to celebrate one last time with my brother, sitting around the island laughing at the now awake baby that is playing with the Cozy Coupe… all is good. Christmas was a success another year, and we all have so much to be thankful for.

Merry Christmas…..  From our little elf to yours!

Grady’s reaction to seeing his Cozy Coupe!!

The photo on the right is him “squeezing it.” It’s a new trick he does…you say “squeeze it” and he makes this face and shakes.


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December 25, 2010



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