I've been honored to document each new baby this family has brought into the world. The newest and first boy, Kyle.
I felt it the second I walked in, however, it was confirmed listening to the speeches during the reception. Ashley and Wesley are the real deal, absolutely love and honor and respect one another and their children. The Oaks at High Hill was the perfect background for their chilly January wedding where Ashley and Wesley […]
January 16, 2024
I felt so good going into Aaron and Holly’s wedding. The night before I attended their rehearsal and was greeted with love and kindness from all members of their family. I now see where Holly and Aaron get it from. Their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends not only were so nice but loads of fun. […]
September 7, 2012
I don't remember a time where I didn't have a camera in my hand, when good lighting wasn't always on my mind, or bringing joy to people through my photographs didn't make me the happiest. When I have someone in front of my camera, my main goal is to make them feel beautiful, comfortable and most importantly, to achieve the most beautiful images of the ones you love.
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